It’s a Scorcher

Summer brings quite a bit of stress to lawn grasses. The heat and drought stressful on our lawns, and we add to the stress with our outdoor activities.

By understanding the seasonal changes of your lawn, you can ensure a thriving lawn in the summer heat.

Once temperatures get into the 80s and above, Fescue lawns will begin to struggle a little. Growth will slow, color may fade, and lawns will show signs of wear and tear as they are less able to recover from stress and traffic.


What to do

  • Lawns need at least one inch of water per week, or about 15 minutes of irrigation a day and more when the heat is severe

  • An irrigation system will incorporate a rain gauge to provide necessary watering aside from rainfall

  • Water longer and less frequently to encourage deeper drought-tolerant roots

  • Water early in the day to reduce evaporation and avoid creating a habitat for fungal diseases (no night time watering)

  • Mow regularly, cutting no more than 1/3 of the grass height to keep your grass vigorous

These steps should keep your lawn looking healthy throughout the summer months, but if you’d like a professional landscape company to handle this for you, let us know, we can give you a FREE estimate!


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